Thursday, June 13, 2013


 Five Essential Oils For Your Dog’s Allergies

Essential oils have been used for health and well being for centuries. In fact, well preserved oils have been found in Egyptian tombs. There are also 188 references to essential oils in the Bible! Essential oils are volatile liquids that are distilled from parts of plants. They aren’t to be confused with essential fatty acids.

essential oil dog allergiesThe best oils have been distilled at low temperatures and low pressure. The oils are so concentrated that it may take thousands of pounds of plant material to produce just 16 ounces of quality oil. Pure oils aren’t made in a lab however and don’t have any added chemical constituents.

The natural chemical composition of an oil can have an emotional as well as a medicinal impact. Many oils contain hydrocarbons called terpenes which can aid in kidney and liver detoxification. Others contain high levels of caryophyllene, which is an anti-inflammatory constituent. These components make many essential oils a great choice for allergy symptoms.


Lavender is a great analgesic, anti-fungal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It can be used topically or in a diffuser.

Roman Chamomile

This oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and anti-parasitic properties. It can be used topically or orally.


Elemi is anti-infectious, antiseptic and works as a sedative. It can be applied topically, orally or it can be diffused.


This oil is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and also has astringent properties. It can be applied topically.


Peppermint is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic. It can be used topically or orally.

Mountain Savory, Oregano and Clove

These oils can be added for immune support, an important component of allergy prevention and treatment. They can be applied topically, given orally or placed in a diffuser.
Sometimes these oils can cause rapid detoxification. A post application rash can occur in these cases. If you notice a rash, apply a vegetable oil such as olive or grape seed oil to dilute or remove the essential oil. Never apply water to remove an essential oil!

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