Thursday, January 23, 2014

Doggie Massage Basics


Doggie Massage Basics

One of the fastest growing fields in dog healthcare is animal massage. The controlled, soothing touch not only help give dogs comfort but can also help in alleviating problems by managing pain, strengthening the immune system, firming up the muscles, joints, and tendons, releasing cortisone which relieves swelling and inflammation, as well as producing endorphins. Aside from that, doggie massage also helps in increasing overall circulation, improving digestion, and even in removing toxins in a pet’s body. Best of all, you get a few precious moments of bonding time with your furbaby!

Dog Massage: Before You Begin
Since dogs have different needs and biological makeup than people do, it is crucial for you to be knowledgeable and well-trained in canine anatomy and physiology before beginning to work on a dog that’s been stressed or injured. Without sufficient knowledge and experience, it’s possible to make problems worse or cause further injury. If your dog is injured, consult a veterinarian or dog massage therapist before beginning a massage routine.

· Talk to your dog’s veterinarian before starting a massage program.

· Call a professional dog masseuse if working with a delicate pooch or one with restricted mobility because of injury, joint problem, or surgery.

· Don’t massage Fido if he has a fever, is in shock, or has a serious illness or injury which hasn’t yet been diagnosed.

· Don’t massage an area with a lump, infected or open wound, or some sort of skin infection.
· Always check with a vet before massaging a dog which has cancer.

· If Fido is in good health, choose a word or phrase to let your pooch know that it’s time for a rubdown. Your dog has to learn this so he’ll recognize the routine and settle down gladly for the session.

· Wait until after your pooch’s potty break, and at least about 15 minutes after his mealtime to begin a massage.

· Look for a quiet spot, and try playing some gentle, soothing music.
· Sit in a comfy position or stand at a hip-high table so you can breathe steadily and deeply.
· Pet your dog gently, speak to him softly, and then start the massage routine.
You’re now ready to begin! Up next, step-by-step instruction for massaging your dog:

How to Give your Dog a Relaxing Massage
1. With your hands, start by stroking your dog from the back of his head down to the base of his tail. Just stroke gently in line with the lay of your dog’s fur.

2. With your fingertips, try to make small circular motions on each side of his spine: first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. Just begin near his shoulders, and then work your way to the base of his tail.

3. Start applying gentle, vertical pressure using your thumbs on each side of your pooch’s spine. Work down each leg to his paws with the same motion.

4. As you work on his back, try lifting your dog’s excess skin upward. Knead or roll between your fingers and thumbs while starting at his shoulders down to the base of his tail.

5. With the use of circular finger motion, massage Fido’s rump area.

6. After this, start massaging the base of your pooch’s skull where his head joins the back of his neck by putting your fingers on one side and the thumb on the other.

7. This time, massage Fido’s cheek muscles by gently sliding your hands frontward on the sides of his face.

8. While following the lay of your dog’s fur, try flattening your hand, and stroking from his nose up to the top of his head.

9. Hold the base of his ears, and then pull from there to its tip as you rub his earflaps between your fingers.

10. Let your pooch lie on his side. Massage the muscles on his shoulders with slow, deep, circular motions. Next, start massaging his forelegs between your thumb and fingers as you work your way to his paws.

11. Try squeezing muscles between and along your dog’s toes, and then start moving each of his toes up and down with the use of a gentle, wiggling motion.

12. Flex your dog’s paws gently as you extend each one inward and rotate it to relax the tendons. Using your hands, give his thigh a deep, gentle massage.

13. Using your fingers, massage Fido’s hip joint in a circular movement. Try massaging down the back of his leg to his foot. Knead his paws and toes. Help your pup turn over, and then work on his legs on the other side.

14. Finish the session by talking calmly to Fido as you use slow strokes using your palm and fingers. Do this from his head, down to his back, and then to the tip of his tail. Perform the same procedure from his hip, to his hind foot, and then shoulders to his forepaw.

Some dogs are sensitive to having certain parts of their bodies touched. You know your dog best, so, if he hates to have his paws touched, don’t force it – remember, this is supposed to be relaxing for you both! Eventually, he may become relaxed enough to let those toes finally be touched!

Do you give your dog massages? Have any special tricks or techniques? We’d love to hear them!

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